Kit: Circuit Applications For Eln9192

Item Information
Item#: 88880110358
Colour Eln9192 - Level 2
Section Course Kits
On Hand 39
On Order 0

Circuit Applications Kit - Electromechanical Engineering Level 2

Academic Year: 2024 - 2025

This kit for ELN9192 is included and paid for as part of your tuition fees.

This Course Kit is required for students enrolled in the ELN9192 course. It includes essential components for circuit applications and experiments throughout the course.

Kit Includes:

Quantity Description
2 100 Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
2 330 Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
5 1K Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
2 2.2k Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
4 8.2k Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
6 10K Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
3 22k Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
2 47K Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
3 100K Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
1 330K Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
1 470k Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
1 1M Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
1 10M Ω 1/2 Watt 5%
1 Motor Driver IC ULN2003A
1 100 Ω Linear Potentiometer, 1/4 W, plastic, 0.375"x0.375", PC pins
1 1k Ω Linear Potentiometer, 1/4 W, plastic, 0.375"x0.375", PC pins
1 5k Ω Linear Potentiometer, 1/4 W, plastic, 0.375"x0.375", PC pins
1 10k Ω Linear Potentiometer, 1/4 W, plastic, 0.375"x0.375", PC pins
4 1000 pF Ceramic or Metal Foil Capacitor
1 2200 pF Ceramic or Metal Foil Capacitor
4 0.01 μF Ceramic or Metal Foil Capacitor
1 0.033 μF Ceramic or Metal Foil Capacitor
2 0.047 μF Ceramic or Metal Foil Capacitor
5 0.1 μF Ceramic or Metal Foil Capacitor
6 1.0 μF 50 V Electrolytic Capacitor
2 10 μF 50 V Electrolytic Capacitor
1 47 μF 50V Electrolytic Capacitor
2 100 μF 50V Electrolytic Capacitor
1 2 μH Inductor, miniature, 100 mA
1 25 μH Inductor, miniature, 100 mA
1 100 μH Inductor, miniature, 100 mA
2 1N914 small signal diode
6 1N4001 rectifier diode
1 LED, red 2V @ 10 mA, 5 mm
1 LED, green 2V @ 10 mA, 5 mm
4 2N3904 small signal NPN transistor, TO-92
2 2N3906 small signal PNP transistor, TO-92
2 2N5457 small signal JFET, TO-92
2 2N5458 small signal JFET, TO-92
2 2N5060 SCR, or equivalent - SK3950, TO-92
6 Op-amp, LM741, 8 pin DIP package
2 555 Timer IC, 8 pin DIP package
1 CdS cell 120299
1 Regulator: LM7809, in TO-220 package
1 Regulator: LM7812, in TO-220 package
1 7414 Schmitt trigger hex inverter, 8 pin DIP package
1 2N5064 SCR, TO-92

Total Number of items in Kit: 50



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