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Hoodies / Sweaters / Jackets
Tees / Tops
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Washed Green Twill Classic Fit Cap
Washed Black Twill Classic Fit Cap
Bucket Hat - Charcoal
Bucket Hat - Natural
Teastain Unstructured Classic
Jacquard Knit Pompom Toque
Cuffed Toque w/ Pompom
Lightweight Board Toque
Lightweight Board Toque in Black
AC Chunky Knit Wool Mittens
Kootenay AC Chunky Knit Mittens
Baseball Cap Mesh Back Tone on Tone Black
Baseball Cap Mesh Back Charcoal & White
AC Green and White Umbrella
AC Black and White Umbrella
AC Black Umbrella
Course Wear
Commercial Pilot
Esthetician & Hairstylist
Lab Coats
Recreation & Leisure
Cardiac Sonography
Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Medical Radiation Technology
Wolves Gear
Wolves Tee
Wolves Long Sleeve Tee
Wolves Hoodie
Wolves Youth T
Wolves Russell 3D Hoodie
Wolves Baseball Cap
Wolves Sports Water Bottle
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Cases and Backpacks
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Campus: PART
Term: 2025W
Select Courses
ACC0004 - Quickbooks Online
ACC0012 - Integrated Accounting Practice
ACC1002 - Financial Accounting
ACC2003 - Managerial Accounting
ACC2152 - Financial Accounting Comp. Apps. I
ACC2201 - Financial Accounting I
ACC2202 - Financial Accounting 2
ACC2204 - Intermediate Accounting I
ACC2205 - Intermediate Accounting II
ACC2207 - Bookkeeping
ACC2208 - Accounting Practices
ACC2209 - Financial Accounting III
ACC2211 - Payroll And Compliance
ACC2214 - Financial Information For Marketing
ACC2233 - Management Accounting 1
ACC2234 - Management Accounting 2
ACC2262 - Introduction To Personal Taxation
ACC2265 - Audit Princ. And Business Issues
ACC2307 - Quickbooks Online Level II
ACC2310 - Accounting Concepts I
ACC2313 - Accounting Concepts II
ACC2341 - Financial Accounting
ACC2343 - Spreadsheet Applications
ACC2344 - Taxation
ACC2346 - Canadian Taxation
ACC2353 - Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACC2354 - Managerial Accounting I
ACC2355 - Managerial Accounting 2
ACC2363 - Inter. Financial ACc. II
ACC2367 - Business Strategies
ACC2368 - Accounting Capstone Studies
ACC2384 - Micro-Comp.Appl.Acct.
ACC2385 - Accounting Software Applications
ACC4110 - Accounting And Finance
ACC5030 - Detection And Prevention Of Fraud
ACC5031 - Forensic ACc. Fraud Investig. Adv.
ACC5032 - Money Laundering And Asset Tracing
ACC5033 - Governmental, Sme And Nfp Frauds
ACC5034 - Analysis, Crit. Current Fraud Cases
ACC5039 - Payroll Administration
ACC7301 - Accounting I
ACC7313 - Accounting Concepts II
AST2000 - Introduction To Astronomy
AST2000 - Introduction To Astronomy
BAI2300 - Global Business Environment
BAI2312 - International Culture
BAI7300 - Global Business Environment
BIM1000 - Fundamentals Of Bim
BUS0011 - Project
BUS2007 - Computer Business Applications
BUS2010 - Emerging Trends & Innovation,Trades
BUS2020 - Business Planning For Tradespersons
BUS2130 - Strategic Analytics
BUS2301 - Business Computer Applications
BUS2303 - Database & Advanced Excel Concepts
BUS2305 - Spreadsheet Applications
BUS5008 - Intro. Forensic ACc. Fraud Invest.
CAL0001 - Maintaining Customer Relationships
CAL5009 - Strat. For Fostering Client Loyalty
CAL5010 - Developing Client Service Teams
COM0001 - Creating A Corporate Service Cultur
COM0005 - Generational Diversity And Conflict
COM0006 - Communication & Conflict Management
COM0007 - Communication-Professional Practice
COM0011 - Introduction To Social Media
COM0012 - Developing A Social Media Strategy
COM0013 - Monitoring And Measurement
COM0014 - Digital Communication
COM0015 - Applied Social Media In Business
COM5601 - Comm. Strategies In Early Learning
COM6800 - Social Media Professional Identity
CON0004 - Construction Planning & Scheduling
CON2001 - Construction Safety
CON2002 - Construction Estimating
CON2003 - Overview Of Construction Industry
CON2100 - Construction And The Environment
CON2101 - Construction Job Site Controls
CON2102 - Construction Planning & Scheduling
CON2103 - Const. Project Cost Control & Acct.
CON2104 - Modular And Off-Site Construction
CON5040 - Pipeline Construction Safety
CON5041 - Cncr
CON5042 - Construction Project Mgmt. (Cpm)
CON5043 - Construction Law (Cl)
CON5102 - Commercial Plan Reading
CON5103 - Commercial Estimating
CON5104 - Construction Contracts & Documents
CON5106 - Project Administration
CON5107 - Bid Procedure: Simul'd Tender Close
CON5110 - Construction Job Cost Accounting
CON5111 - Construction Budgeting
COR1737 - Psychopathology
COR1737 - Psychopathology
COR1740 - Mental Health
COR1756 - Introduction To Psychology
COR1800 - Sexuality And Gender Studies
COR1801 - Ethics And Professional Practice
COR1802 - Working With Child., Youth And Fam.
COR1803 - Disability Justice
COR1804 - Advocacy And Crisis Prevention
COR1805 - Land-Based Social Justice Education
COR1806 - Immigration & Settlement
COR1807 - Transformative Justice
COR1834 - Canadian Legal System 1
COR1835 - Canadian Legal System 2
COR1910 - Social Justice Seminar
COR1914 - Community And Justice Resources
COR1916 - Group Facilitation
COR1917 - Indigenous Studies
COR1919 - Interviewing And Counselling Skills
COR1921 - Youth Justice
COR1923 - Introduction To Criminology
COR1928 - Introduction To Sociology
COR1949 - Addictions And Harm Reduction
COR1959 - Community Building Practices
COR1960 - Trauma-Informed Practice
COR1961 - Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression
COR1963 - Integrative Seminar
COR1965 - Field Placement
COR1966 - Field Placement Seminar
CST2234 - Systems Analysis And Design
CST2234N - Systems Analysis And Design
CST2335 - Mobile Graphical Interface Prog.
CST2335N - Mobile Graphical Interface Prog.
CST2355 - Database Systems
CST8002 - Programming Language Research Proj.
CST8002N - Programming Language Research Proj.
CST8102 - Operating Systems Fund (Gnu/Linux)
CST8109 - Network Programming
CST8109N - Network Programming
CST8116 - Intro To Computer Programming
CST8117 - Cross-Platform Web Design
CST8118 - Computer Essentials
CST8209 - Web Programming I
CST8215 - Introduction To Database
CST8250 - Database Design And Administration
CST8253 - Web Programming II
CST8254 - Network Operating Systems
CST8256 - Web Programming Languages I
CST8257 - Web Applications Development
CST8258 - Web Project Management
CST8259 - Web Programming Languages II
CST8260 - Database System And Concepts
CST8265 - Web Security Basics
CST8268 - Project
CST8276 - Advanced Database Topics
CST8276N - Advanced Database Topics
CST8277 - Enterprise Application Programming
CST8277N - Enterprise Application Programming
CST8279 - Intro To Comp. Prog. Using Python
CST8283 - Business Programming
CST8283N - Business Programming
CST8284 - Object Oriented Programming (Java)
CST8285 - Web Programming
CST8288 - Oop With Design Patterns
CST8288N - Oop With Design Patterns
CST8300 - AChieving Success In Changing Envir
CST8318 - Graphics Technologies
CST8319 - Software Development Project
CST8319N - Software Development Project
CST8325 - Current Trends In Web App. Dev.
CST8390 - Bi And Data Analytics
CST8390N - Bi And Data Analytics
CST8400 - Analysis And Design Using Emerg.
CST8410 - Advanced Mobile Applications
CST8411 - Info. Systems Devel. And Deployment
CST8412 - User Interface Des. In App. Devel.
CST8413 - Data Warehousing And Adv. Bus. Int.
CST8414 - Applied Research Project 1
CST8911 - Introduction To Cloud Computing
CST8912 - Cloud Solutions Architecture
CST8913 - Cloud Migration
CST8914 - Accessible By Design
CST8915 - Full-Stack Cloud-Native Development
CST8916 - Remote Data And Rt Applications
CST8917 - Serverless Applications
CST8918 - Devops - Infrastructure As Code
CST8919 - Devops - Security And Compliance
CST8920 - Highly Effective Teams
CST8921 - Cloud Industry Trends
CST8922 - Applied Projects
CUL4000 - Global Citizenship
DAT0108 - Computer Forensics And Data Mining
DAT0109 - Cyber Crime Investigations
DAT0114 - Digital Illustration And Design I
DAT1010 - Business Analysis And Assessments I
DAT1020 - Bus Analysis And Assessments II
DAT1030 - Data Analysis Tools For Analytics
DAT1040 - Data Collection And Data Management
DAT2100 - Digital Analytics
DAT2101 - Web And Mobile Analysis Techniques
DAT3000 - ACe Computers
DAT5173 - Excel Core
DAT5194 - Computers 1 - Introduction To
DAT5262 - Excel-Expert
DAT7321 - Computer Applications
DAT7325 - Computer Applications II
DSN2100 - Design Thinking
DSN2100 - Design Thinking
ECO1101 - Microeconomics
ECO2101 - Macroeconomics
ECO2200 - Economic Issues
ECO2305 - Microeconomics
ECO2306 - Macroeconomics
ECO7306 - Microeconomics
EDU2001 - Online Learning Theories
EDU2002 - Developing Online Course Content
EDU2003 - Online Course Delivery
EDU2004 - Evaluation Essentials
EDU2010 - Reflective Educators
EDU2011 - Engaging Mobile Learners
EDU2012 - Ethics And Legislation In Education
EDU2013 - Applied Research And Education
EDU2014 - Work Integrated Learning
EDU2015 - Accessible Course Content
EDU2016 - Effective Use Open Educ. Res.
EDU2102 - Learning Analytics
EDU2103 - Learning Analytics Techniques
EDU2104 - Managing Learning Analytics
EDU5602 - Ece Curriculum Design & Implement.
EDU5603 - Advocacy & Professionalism In Ece
EDU5604 - Leadership And Staff Development
EDU5606 - Comp. App./Financial Planning - Ece
ENL0006 - Poetry Writing
ENL0009 - Intro To Children's Literature
ENL0010 - Science Fiction
ENL0011 - Writing Grammatically
ENL0012 - Essentials Of Writing Fiction
ENL0013 - Understanding Literature
ENL0014 - Writing Short Stories
ENL1520 - Comm. Skills For Labour Rel. Prac.
ENL1798 - Contemporary Canadian Issues
ENL1798 - Contemporary Canadian Issues
ENL1813A - Communications I
ENL1813B - Communications I
ENL1813S - Communications 1
ENL1813T - Communications I
ENL1823A - Communications II
ENL1823B - Communications II
ENL1829 - The Art Of Oratory
ENL1832C - Report Writing For Recreation
ENL1902F - Professional Communication For Cyc
ENL1904F - Children's Literature
ENL1962 - English Fundamentals
ENL1977 - Technical Communications
ENL2019T - Technical Comm. For Eng. Technology
ENL2027 - Communication II For Ece
ENL2100 - Communication For Construction Mgt.
ENL5012 - Business Writing Strategies
ENL5029 - Romance Writing
ENL5035 - Interview And Present. Of Evidence
ENL5036 - Report Writing Witness Testimony
ENL7693 - Communication Skills For Business
ENL7777 - Communications I
ENL8000 - ACe Communications
ENL8720 - Technical Comms For Technicians
ENV0002 - Environmental Citizenship
ENV0002 - Environmental Citizenship
ENV0002 - Environmental Citizenship
ENV0002N -
ENV5004 - Waste-Free Ontario
ENV5004 - Waste-Free Ontario
ERC5180 - Foundations Of Emergency Management
ERC5182 - Incident Management Systems
ERC5184 - Business Continuity Planning
ERC5185 - Emergency Exercise Design
ERC5186 - Hazard Identification Risk Assessmt
ERC5187 - Crisis Comm. & Public Info. Mgmt.
ERC5191 - Critical Infrastructure Protection
ERC5192 - Crisis Mgmt & Crit Incident Stress
ERC5193 - Placement/Research Project
FAM0001 - Principles Of Psychology
FAM0025 - Field Placement I
FAM0026 - Field Placement II
FAM0029 - Music & Movement Experiences Child
FAM0030 - Creative Art Experiences Child
FAM0040 - Introduction To Aba
FAM0041 - Introduction To Asd
FAM0044 - Treating Challenging Behaviours
FAM0046 - Ethics And Professionalism
FAM0047 - Behavioural Skill Building
FAM0048 - Parent And Staff Training
FAM0049 - Instructional Strategies
FAM0051 - Transition Planning &Implementation
FAM0055 - Working With Families And Teams
FAM0056 - Placement Preparation
FAM0074 - Anti-Oppressive Practice In Child E
FAM0075 - Adolescent Development
FAM0076 - Diversity
FAM0077 - Systems Navigations
FAM0078 - Mental Health 2
FAM1000 - Observation Skills
FAM1003 - Psychology Of Learning
FAM1003 - Psychology Of Learning
FAM1003M -
FAM1003N - Psychology Of Learning
FAM1015 - Preparation For Placement
FAM1033 - Practice Teaching 2
FAM1043 - Practice Teaching 3
FAM1054 - Introduction To Child & Youth Care
FAM1058 - Field Preparation
FAM1066 - Child Development
FAM1233 - Seminar I
FAM1234 - Practice Teaching I
FAM1236 - Introduction To Curriculum
FAM1238 - Seminar 3
FAM1240 - Seminar II
FAM1241 - Health And Wellness For Children
FAM1242 - Foundations Of Ece
FAM1243 - Child Development
FAM1244 - Environments And Programming (Ksac)
FAM1245 - Environments For Young Children
FAM1246 - Intro -Children W/ Exceptionalities
FAM1247 - Creating An Effective Curriculum
FAM1248 - Guiding Children's Behaviour
FAM1249 - Math And Science
FAM1250 - Language And Emergent Literacy
FAM1251 - Families And Community
FAM1252 - Assessment Of Children's Learning
FAM1253 - Professional & Admin Practices -Ece
FAM1255 - Community Service Learning
FAM1273 - Mental Health 1
FAM2010 - Understanding Asd
FAM2020 - Principles Of Aba
FAM2030 - Comms., Social Skills & Understand
FAM2040 - Sensory Processing, Anxiety & Stres
FAM2050 - Supporting Preschool Children
FAM2060 - Working W. Children In The Class
FAM2070 - Supporting Youth & Adults
FIN2010 - Financial Processes In The Trades
FIN2230 - Finance
FIN2303 - Introduction To Finance
FIN2304 - Business Finance
FIN2305 - Finance For Non-Finance Prof.
FIN3004 - Finance
FIN7230 - Finance
FIR8441 - Fire Protection
FIT0014 - Nutrition
FIT0017 - Applied Anatomy
FIT0020 - Fitness Operations
FIT0027 - Personal Training Fundamentals
FIT0028 - Industry Trends
FIT0034 - Fitness Assessment II
FIT0037 - Personal Training Application
FIT0042 - Fitness Business Management
FIT0043 - Fitness Management Customer Service
FIT2212 - Introduction To Fitness/Wellness
FIT2215 - Physiology
FIT2217 - Anatomy
FIT2219 - Field Preparation
FIT2220 - Fitness Assessment
FIT2222 - Mechanics Of Exercise
FIT2224 - Group Fitness I
FIT2225 - Exercise Physiology
FIT2227 - Technology In Fitness
FIT2229 - Field Placement 1
FIT2230 - Athletic Injuries
FIT2233 - Group Fitness II
FIT2235 - Career Planning And Prof Develop
FIT2236P - Field Placement 2
FIT2239 - Field Placement 3
FIT2240 - Programming For Diverse Populations
FIT2244 - Health And Wellness Promotions
FIT4010 - Foundations Of Strength Training
FIT4020 - Assessment For Physical Fitness
FIT4030 - Program For Strength & Conditioning
FIT4040 - Training For Sports
FIT4050 - Youth Health, Fitness And Sport
FIT4060 - Strength Training For Older Adults
FIT4070 - Periodization Training Methodology
FIT4080 - Performance Psychology
FIT5230 - Fit & Life Skills Applications
FLD0020 - Field Place Special Topics Seminar
FLD0030 - Autism Spectrum Disorder Practicum
FLD5607 - Ece Admin. Program Fieldwork
FOD2200C - Food Preparation Theory
GAM6800 - Gaming And Gender
GED0021 - Disability In Arts: Portrayals
GED0021 - Disability In Arts: Portrayals
GED0022 - Positive Psychology
GED0022 - Positive Psychology
GED2200 - Free Speech And Social Media
GED2200 - Free Speech And Social Media
GED5007 - Transatlantic Slavery & Abolition
GED5007 - Transatlantic Slavery & Abolition
GED5010 - The Fungus Among Us
GED5010 - The Fungus Among Us
GED5301 - Death, Dying And Maid
GED5301 - Death, Dying And Maid
GED7105 - Professionalism And Ethics
GED7105 - Professionalism And Ethics
GED7105N -
GEN0452 -
GEO0012 - Foreign Landscapes & Inhabitants
GEO0012 - Foreign Landscapes & Inhabitants
HIS2003 - Selected Themes In Canadian History
HLT0008 - Medical Terminology
HLT0009 - Pharmacology For Med Off Prof
HLT0010 - Med Cond For Med Off Pro
HLT0018 - Dental Terminology
HLT0019 - Understanding Medical Tests
HLT0020 - Intro To Pharmacology
HLT0043 - Essentials In Health Records Manage
HLT0044 - Understanding Surgical Procedures
HLT0045 - Human Anatomy And Physiology
HLT0055 - Medical Office Procedures
HLT0056 - Work & Communicate-Medical Setting
HLT0077 - Medical Keyboarding
HLT0078 - Beginning Medical Transcription
HLT0079 - Advanced Medical Transcription
HLT0080 - Medical Ohip Billing
HLT0259 - Med. Transcription Styles&Practices
HLT0261 - Medical Transcription Fundamentals
HLT0262 - Medical Terminology - Level 2
HLT6671 - Overview Of Dementia Care
HLT6700 - Communication&Interpersonal Skills
HLT6701 - Caregiving Skills
HLT6734 - Ethics And Legalities
HLT6737 - Clinical/Field Placement - Clients
HRA0004 - Roofing Inspection
HRA0005 - Structural Inspection
HRA0006 - Electrical Inspection
HRA0007 - Heating Inspection I
HRA0008 - Heating Inspection II
HRA0009 - Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps
HRA0010 - Plumbing Inspection
HRA0011 - Exterior Inspection
HRA0012 - Interior Insulation Inspection
HRM4101 - Human Resource Management
HRM4110 - Organizational Behaviour
HRM4111 - Recruitment And Selection
HRM4120 - Total Rewards
HRM4122 - Labour Relations
HRM4123 - Training And Development
HRM4124 - Human Resources Planning
HRM4125 - H/R Management & Info. Systems
HRM4126 - Employee Relations
HRM4127 - Human Resources Career Planning
LAN0042 - Francais II
LAN5001 - Francais I
LAW1000 - Law & Contracts For The Const. Ind.
LAW1500 - Laws Of The Unionized Workplace
LAW1702 - Business Law
LAW2015 - Canadian Business Law
LAW4110 - Employment Law
LAW5049 - Legal Components In A Forensic Inv.
LAW5055 - Landlord And Tenant Law
LAW7703 - Business Law
LDS0001 - Communication
LDS0002 - Employment Law For Leadership Dev.
LDS0003 - Human Relations
LDS0004 - Performance Management
LDS0005 - Leading Teams
LDS0006 - Managing Change
LDS0007 - Finance
LDS0008 - Project Management
LDS0009 - Leading Responsibly
LDS0010 - Creative And Critical Thinking
LFS5507 - Leadership In A Team Environment
LIB2008 - Libraries & Information Industry
LIB2009 - ACquisitions
LIB2012 - Library Programming
MAD1000 - User Experience & Interface Design
MAD1010 - User Experience Analysis
MAD1020 - User Interface Evaluation
MAT8001C - Tech Math For Computer Science
MAT8010 - ACe Apprenticeship Math
MAT8011 - ACe Business Mathematics
MAT8012 - ACe Core Math
MAT8013 - ACe Technical Math
MAT8100A - Trigonometry
MAT8100B - Algebra Basics
MAT8100C - Factoring And Solving Equations
MAT8100D - Graphing
MAT8100E - Solving System Of Linear Equations
MAT8100F - Vectors
MAT8100G - Exponents And Radicals
MAT8100H - Exponential & Logarithmic Functions
MAT8100I - Complex Numbers
MAT8100J - Signed Numbers
MAT8100K - Units Of Measure
MAT8100L - Computer Systems
MAT8100M - Algebraic Operations
MAT8100N - Geometry
MAT8100O - Vector Algebra
MAT8100Q - Matrix Algebra
MAT8100R - Matrix Transformations
MAT8100S - Right Angled Triangles
MAT8100T - Tables Of Values
MAT8300 - Technical Mathematics
MAT8325 - Technical Mathematics II
MGT0064 - Property Mgmt. & Administration I
MGT0071 - Introduction To Conflict Theory
MGT0072 - Culture&Conflict:Impact&Influence
MGT0073 - Managing Conflict In Teams
MGT0090 - Business Analysis Essentials
MGT1090 - Strategy Analysis
MGT1100 - Project Management Principles
MGT1200 - Human Resources Management
MGT1300 - Applied Construction Project Mgt.
MGT1500 - Introduction To Labour Relations
MGT1501 - The Collective Bargaining Process
MGT1502 - Labour Relations Trends & Practices
MGT1503 - Labour Relations Applied Project
MGT2012 - Negotiation Strategies
MGT2013 - Risk Management
MGT2014 - Management Information Systems
MGT2015 - Managing Small & Medium Enterprises
MGT2050 - Ethical & Legal Issues In Trades
MGT2060 - Operating A Trades Business
MGT2090 - Requirements Analysis
MGT2155 - Principles/Bus. Mgt. & Research Pt1
MGT2156 - Principles/Bus. Mgt. & Research Pt2
MGT2201 - Business Fundamentals
MGT2303 - Small Business Financial Management
MGT2309 - Lean Six Sigma
MGT2310 - Management Principles
MGT2313 - Business Planning
MGT2315 - Scheduling & Planning Of Resources
MGT2319 - Skills For Academic & Bus Success
MGT2320 - Material And Operations Management
MGT2325 - Leadership
MGT2328 - Intro. To Management Fundamentals
MGT2346 - Introduction To E-Business
MGT2346 - Introduction To E-Business
MGT2355 - Leadership
MGT2356 - People And Organizations
MGT2357 - Project Management
MGT2359 - Laws Of The Workplace
MGT2380 - Labour Relations
MGT2381 - Human Resources Management
MGT2382 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT2384 - Training And Development
MGT2388 - Compensation Management
MGT2391 - Human Resources Strategic Planning
MGT2393 - Recruitment And Selection
MGT2394 - H R Research & Information Systems
MGT2396 - Occupational Health And Safety
MGT2397 - Employee Relations
MGT2398 - HR Professional Career Prep
MGT2399 - Employee Relations
MGT3090 - Elicitation And Collaboration
MGT3500 - Professional Practice
MGT4090 - Solution Evaluation
MGT4110 - Human Resources Management
MGT4111 - Project Management
MGT4501 - Project Management
MGT4602 - Project Management
MGT4700 - Capstone Applied Research Project 1
MGT5079 - Project Definition And Planning
MGT5083 - Project Mgt & Human Interface
MGT5084 - Project Mgmt Scheduling & Software
MGT5085 - Project Risk And Quality Management
MGT5086 - Contracting & Procurement/Proj.Mgt.
MGT5087 - Directed Studies In Project Mgt
MGT5115 - Management/Leadership Skills
MGT5143 - Introduction To Fundraising
MGT5144 - Fundraising As A Management Process
MGT5145 - Methods Of Fundraising
MGT5146 - Donor Relationships In Fundraising
MGT5147 - Strategic Management Of Campaigns
MGT5148 - Applied Fundraising Practices
MGT5164 - Introduction To Project Management
MGT5168 - Benefits Administration
MGT5602 - Mgt. Labour Conc. In Occ. Hlth/Sfty
MGT7227 - Work Integrated Learning
MGT7231 - Introduction To Project Management
MGT7319 - Skills, Academic & Business Success
MGT7321 - Materials And Operations Management
MGT7326 - Intro. To Management Fundamentals
MGT7332 - Business Planning
MGT7335 - Professional Sales
MGT7380 - Human Resources Management
MGT8100 - Career And College Success Skills
MKT0019 - Marketing Research
MKT2020 - Marketing A Trades Business
MKT2120 - Marketing Campaign Analysis
MKT2121 - User Behaviour Research
MKT2205 - Marketing Foundations
MKT2206 - Product And Pricing Strategies
MKT2216 - Skills Transferable To Business
MKT2218 - Digital Marketing
MKT2219 - Marketing Research I
MKT2282 - Professional Selling
MKT2317 - Marketing
MKT2322 - Selling For Success
MKT3501 - Marketing
MKT4704 - Trades Marketing
MKT5605 - Marketing Early Childhood Education
MKT7019 - Marketing Research
MKT7311 - Marketing
MTM1010 - Web And Mobile Design Techniques
NSG0045 - Health Asses. Nursing Theory Review
NSG5627 - Orientation To Palliative Care
NSG8001 - Research In Nursing - Ien
NSG8002 - Health Assessment - Ien
NSG8005 - Pharmacology - Ien
NSG8006 - Nursing Informatics - Ien
NSG8007 - Nursing In Ontario - Ien
NSG8008 - Healing & Episodic Health - Ien
NSG8009 - Health And Transitions - Ien
NSG8010 - Relational Practice - Ien
NSG8014 -
NSG8015 - Anatomy And Physiology (Psw-Pn)
NSG8016 - Math For Practical Nurses (Psw-Pn)
NSG8017 -
NSG8018 - Nursing Theory Bridge (Psw-Pn)
NSG8019 - Nursing Professionalism (Psw-Pn)
OFF2266 - Executive Integrated Projects I
OFF2267 - Executive Integrated Projects II
OFF2279 - Desktop Publishing
OFF2291 - Database And Project Management
OFF2300 - Advanced Word Processing
OFF2319 - Simulated Practicum
OFF2325 - Keyboarding 1
OFF2326 - Digital Workspace Applications
OFF2327 - Keyboarding 2
OFF2328 - Travel And Meeting Management
OFF2329 - Keyboarding 3
OFF2330 - Keyboarding 4
OFF2331 - Portfolio And Career Management
OFF2333 - Event And Conference Management
OFF2334 - Executive Integrated Projects
OFF2335 - Presentation Applications
OFF2336 - Document Production 1
OFF2337 - Document Production 2
OFF2338 - Admin Skills & Procedures
OFF2339 - Doc Pro & Keyboarding 1
OFF2340 - Doc Pro & Keyboarding 2
OFF2395 - Spreadsheet Applications (Oa)
OHS4005 - Ergonomics
OHS4120 - Occupational Safety And Health
PFP1010 - Canadian Criminal Justice System
PFP1031 - Introduction To Sociology
PFP1040 - Communications I
PFP1051 - Political Science/Public Admin.
PFP1061 - Ethics And Professionalism
PFP1063 - Fitness And Nutrition
PFP2000 - Introduction To Research
PFP2001 - Introduction To Psychology
PFP2010 - Criminology
PFP2020 - Interpersonal And Group Dynamics
PFP2031 - Mental Health In Law Enforcement
PFP2040 - Communications II
PFP2055 - Police Powers, Ethics & Prof.
PFP2071 - Diversity In Canada
PFP2096 - Fitness And Lifestyle Management
PFP3002 - Victimology
PFP3010 - Criminal And Civil Law
PFP3021 - Criminal Code And Federal Statutes
PFP3035 - Fitness For Law Enforcement
PFP3040 - Interviewing And Investigations
PFP3050 - Youth In Conflict With The Law
PFP3055 - Police Powers And The Law
PFP3071 - Traffic Management
PFP4010 - Provincial Offences
PFP4040 - Investigation And Evidence
PFP4050 - Conflict Management
PFP4061 - Community Policing:Partner'p & Eng.
PFP4092 - Fitness And Self Defence
PFP4098 - Career Preparation
PFP6000 - Community Service
PHI2000 - Introduction To Research
PHI4100 - Survival In The Inf. Age:Risk&Media
PSI1702 - Government Of Canada
PSI1702 - Government Of Canada
PSI6800 - Introduction To Political Science
PSY0006 - Introduction To Human Sexuality
PSY0007 - Cults And Terrorism
PSY0009 - Developmental Psychology
PSY0014 - Learning/Thinking/Problem Solving
PSY0014 - Learning/Thinking/Problem Solving
PSY0016 - Criminology And Ethics
PSY1754 -
PSY1754 - Selected Topics In Psychology
PSY1780 - Crisis Intervention
PSY1782 - Human Relations
PSY7603 - Introduction To Psychology
QUA0002 - Business Mathematics
QUA0003 - Quantitative Methods I
QUA0008 - Statistics
QUA2000 - Statistics
QUA2002 - Statistics
QUA2210 - Basic Business Mathematics
QUA2227 - Business Math Foundations
QUA2311 - Quantitative Methods I
QUA2343 - Quantitative Methods II
QUA3000 - Critical Data Analysis In Regul'n
QUA7211 - Business Math
RGL2000 - Governance And Policy Instruments
RGL2100 - Regulation Theory
RGL2200 - Regulation Design
RGL3000 - Socioeconomics Of Regulation Design
RGL3100 - Regulatory Processes
RGL3200 - Pre-Market Regulatory Submission
RGL3300 - Submission Evaluation
SAF0001 - Legislation For Health And Safety
SAF0004 - Whmis
SAF0005 - Tdg For Handlers
SAF0006 - Tdg For Shippers/Receivers
SAF0007 - Tdg For Workers
SAF0008 - Confined Space Awareness
SAF0009 - Fall Protection
SAF0011 - Tdg For Drivers
SAF5402 - Industrial Hygiene
SAF5409 - Environmental Management - Intro
SCI2200 - Dynamic Dna: You Are Not Alone
SCI2200 - Dynamic Dna: You Are Not Alone
SCI4003 - Sci. Com. Policy
SCI4100 - Science & Risk Assess In Regul'n
SCI8010 - ACe Biology
SCI8011 - ACe Chemistry
SCI8012 - ACe Physics
SOC4000 - Criminology
SOC4001 - Global Perspectives
SOC6800 - Introduction To Sociology
SSC0061 - Methods Of Inquiry
SSC0100 - Global Citizenship
SSC0200 - Introduction To Philosophy
SSC1010 - Mental Health & Addiction Fdns
SSC1020 - Introduction To Counselling
SSC1030 - Chemical Dep And Sub Use And Abuse
SSC1040 - Comm Services And Supp Add And Mh
SSC1050 - Holistic Assess And Interventions
SSC1060 - Counselling Gender And Diversity
SSC1070 - Ethics, Professionalism - Amh
SSC2010 - Gr Counsel Add And Mh Practitioners
SSC2020 - Motiv Interview And Change Practice
SSC2030 - Working With Youth And Families
SSC2040 - Impulse Cont Disorders Behav Addict
SSC2050 - Intro To Trauma-Informed Practice
SSC2060 - Community Capacity Building
SSC2070 - Field Placement Preparation Course
SSC5012 - Anti-Racism, Discrimination, Equity
SSC5012 - Anti-Racism, Discrimination, Equity
SSC5624 - Ethical/Legal & Spiritual Concerns
SSC6800 - World Civilizations: 16th Century
SSC8010 - ACe Self Management
TAC5102 - Curriculum Development
TAC5103 - Instructional Techniques
TAC5105 - Instruct Technology In Adult Ed
TAC5108 - Manage A Diverse Learning Environ.
TAC5112 - Adult Learning
TAC5113 - Adults With Learning Disabilities
TAC5114 - Assessment And Evaluation
TWR2000 - Into To Technical Communication
TWR2002 - Digital Publishing
TWR2003 - Online Help Authoring
TWR2004 - Producing Technical Projects
TWR2009 - Emerging Trends In Technical Comms
TWR2010 - Designing Visual Information
TWR2011 - USAbility And Ux
TWR2012 - Web-Based Tools And Technologies
TWR2014 - Information Planning And Management
TWR2017 - Editing I
TWR2018 - Editing II
TWR2019 - Developing Technical Documentation
TWR2201 - Instruc. Design & Tech Communicator
VIC0001 - Theoretical Perspectives
VIC0002 - Victims Of Crime
VIC0003 - Victimization And The Law
VIC0004 - Violence Against Women
VIC0005 - Indigenous-Understand.&Reduce. Vic.
VIC0006 - Victims And The Media
VIC0007 - Men And Victimization
VIC2000 - Prof. Dev. & Self Care
VIC2001 - Childhood Victimization
VIC2002 - Diversity And Victim Assistance
VIC2004 - Victimology:Assess. & Intervention
VIC2005 - Victim Assistance Services
VIC2006 - Field Placement
WKT2000 - Project
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